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To See Without Knowing

Our job is not to teach others to see,

but to help them understand what they are looking at.

Imagine trying to take the exact same photo of a wildflower as another person. Reposition yourself, adjust the camera setting, use a timer, and a tripod.

It is impossible. For even if you take it at the exact same spot and intertwined your arms so that your cameras were right beside each other they are still beside each other rather than in the same spot. If you were to set up a tripod, and take one right after them not changing out the camer the lighting, the wind and even the details of what communication happened between you and the surrounding in the moment that passed in the exchange of positions will change the photo and your view of the moment. The flower is still a flower; just how it tells you it is a flower has changed.

God’s character does not change,

but the ways in which he makes his character known to us are ever changing.

He is a creator, ever in process of relating to his creation.

Why do we limit God in such a way that we seek most for him to communicate with us in the way that we communicate amongst each other on Earth? Why do we seek to define his character by the way he speaks to us? He is a Father whom cherishes each of his children in such a way that he communicates and displays his character to the individual in a way specific to the story they are writing with him.

We can encourage listening. Encourage the ability to look from different perspectives and even ponder upon the ever-changing environments impact upon the flower. We can share its story, the way it became, the trials it faced, and the numerous creatures that crossed its path. We can leave room for questions, even those we cannot answer. The flower is within their sight and strategically placed upon their path, but it will be trampled if thought only to be a blade of grass.

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