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The Pages are Turning

From the beginning the pages keep on turning.

In my last blog to you I explained that my plans to move to Osaka had fallen through. Since then, I have spent a wonderful month with my Nephew and his family singing songs about macaroni and planting a garden. In August, I returned to my hometown to catch up with family, old friends, and make new friends while helping my grandparents tend to their forest. I love the forest!

(Zach and I nurturing the garden)

I also spent much of the last two months seeking out job opportunities in Asia. I wanted to find a job to pay off my student debt, but God has provided an opportunity that allows me to pay off my debt, and do so much more!

“You’ve got to jump off cliffs all the time

and build your wings on the way down.”

~ Ray Bradbury

…For to jump is to know you were always meant to fly! This is a truth I wish to impart on the children of many nations. God has told them they will fly. He has always known it, but somehow our world told them that to fly was too hard, irrational, not financially responsible, lacked honor, just was not meant for them. Yet, God is still telling his children to dream big, to trust him, to fight for what awakens their soul, to fly.

For this reason, I am overjoyed at the opportunity to teach at Waseda International School (WICS) in Tokyo, Japan. God has spoken so much promise over Japan, and the WICS community seeks to proclaim that truth through education and building relationships. Mr. Kwak, the founder of Waseda, has opened some of the top Japanese Language schools. This will be the first year for the Christian school, and I am excited to pour into a community that is passionate about empowering the children of Japan and their families.

As part of this community, I will be teaching English and Art. Meaning, I have the opportunity to empower children through the languages and arts alongside a community of Christian visionaries! God has a way of expanding your dreams and passions daily if you simply say yes!

(Photo via WICS webpage)

I will begin work in Tokyo the first week of November. I once said I would never move to a big city, and if you have ever had a conversation with me you would know that I am not into the corporate business world. Yet, here I am, moving to the biggest city in the world, and specifically into the business district of that city. A place where children are taught to succeed, but rarely taught to dream, and I get to be a part of a community that believes they can fly!

Thus, the journey continues, and another page begins.

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