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The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men

(Worship on the beach in Malaga. This is how we do life.)

The first day of a journal tells its own story. A new beginning – a fresh set of open pages to write a history. It is that first page I long for. That opportunity to write the intro. The outline to what is ahead, but I do not write it alone. This story, while coming with the existential reality of multiple paths before me, also comes with a defined purpose - to be loved, and through that love, to love. It seems my mind will not cease thought over direction when the greatest direction I could be given is already written. A defined line. That place where your soil – your foundation – gives an abrasive display of unhindered possibility. That is the story. Possibility turned reality. Dreams planted in defined certainty of success, because no matter the grandeur of the vision the ultimate goal is to know I am born to be loved – and to love. That – I am certain – I can do.

On May 8th, I sent out an update explaining that I would be moving to Japan. In the last month at G42 I discovered, that due to many changes with the ministry in Japan, that I would not be joining Zach and Hailey in ministry in Japan.

My initial response was to wait to tell you until I had figured out another plan of action. Yet, this is the point of humbling. It has been over a month since I found out about the changes, and I still am uncertain. Last week, I made my way from our little mountain town of Mijas to Chicago. I will be spending the next month here with my sister and her family.

(Graduation/Family Portrait)

My tribe, the G42 family, has been an incredibly blessing throughout this journey. They have seen a lot of tears, listened to my many questions and confusions, provided wisdom, and most importantly been there to laugh and see the beauty of God’s hand in every aspect of life. On the race I was afraid that goodbyes would become so normal that they would never be a challenge again. I have learned that a good goodbye is one that is certain of the continued influence that individual will have on your life. A good goodbye knows that you have loved and loved well. Every single goodbye to each family member at G42, was a good goodbye – or more so a see you later spoken through a few messy tears and laughter. While we said goodbye, even in the few days I have been in the states they have continued to be my family in guiding wisdom, in their little phrases going through my head at any hour, in stories and in laughter. This, I am certain, will never end. (More to come on these wonderful people and the final month at G42 soon.)

I have begun researching job opportunities in Asia to focus on paying off student debt while re-developing a team and re-casting vision for Asia. Community, or Tribe, as we like to call it at G42, is central to this journey. In all my searching I am focused on not going anywhere alone, even for the paying off debt bit of this journey. As you know, my heart has been in Asia for five years, and my heart has been for the nations since childhood. This is not the end. This journey has simply opened up my heart to greater vision, and to God’s sincere hand of protection over us even when to our eyes something might seem to be perfection. God is wise. This is certain. God is honest. This is certain. God speaks truth. This is certain. God created us to be loved and to love. This is life.

So, the journey continues, a new journal has begun, and the pages are waiting to be filled.


If you have any connections to ministries in Asia or job opportunities overseas (specifically in Asia), simply respond to this email with their contact information.

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