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Borderline War

(Please note, there are parts of this written from a sarcastic voice.)

He could not have known, when he drew that first line, the implications it would hold.

He was a curious fellow who saw the world in grids and divided themes.

They were but innocent insights it seemed.

Yet, the first maps of the world led to battles that would never be won.

As one line changes another is formed, and new reasons for division are born.

It is the heart of men, it seems, to be at war with humanity.

And all of the stations, headlines, and applications disguise the reality of a fews destructive designs.

See, there are a select crew that get to pull the trigger that puts humanity at danger.

It is, but a line, that with one foot on one side and a step to the other transformation occurs:

From riches to poverty

From victim to enemy

From orphan to delinguency

From professor to homeless beggar

From devoted father to public enemy

From child to property

From peace to war

From overjoyed to desperate plea

From life to death

Or - a shift in time:

From terroist to joyful child

From homeless man to hopeful son

From prostitue to precious daughter

From body upon the shores of a distant land to little dreamer

It began. Humanity. Peace. Life that is.

With a child. Not the lines of man.

Yet, war.

It changes things.

Our perspective erases faces

and sees only boxed off spaces.

Whether cities, nations, economics,

races, religions, ages,

Or simply the line between those known and those forgotten,

We draw them.

The better the line is defined the better division is understood,

And it would be such a drag to have to take time to understand the beauty of the dreams of the child from which we began.

So, gas masks cover the faces of the innocent of nations,

And when those who hold the pen to draw lines get agitated at the differences in each ones design,

and the dreams of the child with which we began are lost to the agitations of man.

Well...a bomb will have to do.

It is for humanity that we draw lines, and it is for humanity that we war.

Is it not?

Yet, there is no war in history that brings peace without the casualty of humanity,

And, it seems, humanity is without the time to share dreams at borderlines.

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